Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 30: a picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge

1. I now have a mentor and she is so awesome!! We meet weekly and I have learned so much already.... I really enjoy our time!
2. I successfully asked for a few days off from work over spring break.... so I am looking forward to going on a much needed vacation next week!
3. My question of where am I going to go to school has finally been answered. After many applications, work, interviews and stress... I am going to go to Midwestern University in Glendale Arizona... I leave towards the end of May!
4. My adorable nephew, Noah, started smiling! When he smiles at me it melts my heart... it's the best thing ever!
5. I got to talk to my grandma (we all call her Gomie) on the phone. She calls about once a week but I'm never around when she calls... but this time I was! It was awesome I haven't talked to her for months!

 caption: Zachary you lose..... I finished first hahahahahaha.. didn't you start like half a month before me? I believe you owe me a day of doing whatever I want!!!!!!

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